Friday, October 16, 2009

there's a possibility..

that Dad will be discharged tomorrow.

We think he's been feelin the post-op blues (I know how that goes..yuck) and he's been in a lot of pain. And on top of that, he's been experiencing a lot of dizziness so we're a little afraid that it may be too early.

Anyway, supposedly he's doing great. Thank you again for all your love. We know we have a long road of healing ahead of us. Its wonderful to know we have such great friends. And a huge thanks to our big, kind, strong friends who picked up Dad's bed for us all the way up in SLC and then set it up! There's NO way we would have been able to figure that out, so you saved us bigtime. Thanks to their families too =)

1 comment:

  1. I hope he is doing well everyday. I will give him a visit when we get there. We are driving up on Thursday, Oct 29 to join the grandkids for Halloween celebration.

    Cris Rivera
