Monday, October 12, 2009


Dad started opening his eyes again, waving his hand. The doc came and did a few tests to see if he's ready to be extubated. He surely was..

I opted to watch them do it..
I really hope he doesn't remember today.

He immediately started breathing on his own, but he clearly was in agonizing pain. I cannot imagine the pain he is experiencing. They said with every breath comes pain.

It was SO HARD to see him like this. But I felt stronger than I've ever been, so THANK YOU for your prayers. WE thank you for your prayers. Our family has truly felt the tender mercies that root from your kind prayers.

I am so inspired by my Dad. He's a lot stronger and tougher than we give him credit for. He's really fighting. He's fighting through the pain, and fighting for his life. And he's already cracking jokes between the moans and groans. So we are happy.

He's doing great so far, the big thing now is to watch that his kidneys don't fail over the next few days so he won't need dialasys. They are hoping to get him sitting later this evening or early morning, and possibly walking the halls tomorrow afternoon.

Thanks again to everyone who has sent their love, to our great friends who helped watch the grandkids, and for the many prayers that have helped our family through this trial.

We'll keep ya posted!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear things are looking good. We will continue to keep him and all of you in our prayers as the next few days will tell a lot. Sounds like your dad is one amazing guy. And the Doctors are doing a great job.
    Love ya Lea.
